North Chesterfield, VA
“My dad says it works great on his knees. He was having a hard time walking up stairs & put a little on & 10 mins later he was going up & down pain free. That’s a huge win!! My dad has literally tried it all over the last 30+ yrs. So glad he found something that actually works. Thanks guys!”
Jay C.
Montecito, CA
“I’ve drove truck & farmed my whole life. My hands & feet were in constant pain. I spent years taking Aspirin & Advil. But they never really worked. Body Buddz is the only thing that does. Keep up the good work.”
George D. Sr.
San Diego, CA
“Ive been in gyms my whole life. Ive tried everything for my pain. Even things I wasnt supposed to. But Body Buddz did the trick. This shit works like a champ. I ALWAYS carry some in my gym bag.”
Billy T.
Denver, CO
“I love my Body Buddz. After 5 knee surgeries I’ve tried it all to manage my pain. Body Buddz totally helps. I love it after the gym. Thanks guys!”
Alex S.
Georgetown, VA
“The guys at Body Buddz know what’s up. This stuff helps the pain in my hands & shoulders so much it feels like I’m younger.”
Jason D.
Miami, FL
“I play drums and this stuff takes the pain away fast. I love it. It’s allowed me to play longer and enjoy it like when I first started playing.”
Edson, Lopez
Boston, MA